Stem Cell Therapy for Chronic Knee Pain
You get out of bed one morning to discover that you can’t place any weight on your knee without howling in pain. When you’re in pain, how you developed it is not the concern. You just want it to go away. Cycle of Disease and Chronic Pain Many diseases and...
Change Your Lifestyle and Minimize AMD
Macular degeneration is a progressive eye disease that causes vision loss. You can’t cure it, but you may be able to control it. The American Macular Degeneration Foundation estimates that 10 million people suffer from this condition, which, over time, can lead...
Warning! Tight Hair Braids, Weaves, Wigs Raise Risk of Hair Loss
Hair braiding and weaves can add a special touch to your look – but according to new research, these popular styles actually carry a hidden hazard. An academic review conducted by Johns Hopkins University and published in the Journal of the American Academy of...