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Am I Ready for Follicle Unit Extraction?

Am I Ready for Follicle Unit Extraction?

For those who equate more hair with more happiness, meet Follicle Unit Extraction (FUE). It’s a non-invasive procedure that gives you a fuller head of hair – using your own hair! How does it work? Very simply, a skilled hair restoration surgeon harvests...
Managing Stress: Our Editor’s 4 Vid Picks!

Managing Stress: Our Editor’s 4 Vid Picks!

Why do some people waltz through the most difficult situations without a drop of brow sweat… …but others gripe and strain through the least difficult challenges like they’re walking on hot coals? If you’re the latter type of person, it might be...
This Quiz May Reveal If You Are A Hoarder!

This Quiz May Reveal If You Are A Hoarder!

Have you ever noticed someone in your family, or in the neighborhood, that can’t seem to throw anything out? Research suggests that between 2% and 6% of the population are bona fide hoarders. So, how do you know you’re not one of them? Take Rick...
Celebrity Smile Quiz II – The Big Challenge

Celebrity Smile Quiz II – The Big Challenge

Smiles can be deceiving, but if you follow celebrities this quiz should be a snap! Try to match the celebrities to their smiles. Our staff averaged 81% – can you beat them? Good luck! [playbuzz-item item=”18178b36-07d2-473a-8c71-092aa49aa601″...
Ballerina Baldness: Prevention and Treatment

Ballerina Baldness: Prevention and Treatment

Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss, suffered from pulling or securing the hair too tightly in one spot. This condition is also commonly referred to as “ballerina baldness.” Consider the severe, tight buns that ballerinas are famous for wearing, and...
How To Set and Achieve Your Goals for the New Year!

How To Set and Achieve Your Goals for the New Year!

Tired of making those pesky New Year’s Resolutions, and then not achieving them? No worries, this year it’s gonna be different! Here are five sure-fire steps to setting and achieving your life-changing goals. 1. Be sure about what you hope to achieve. You...
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