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Rosacea is a skin disease common in people over 30 years old.

It affects the face, resulting in red patches on the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. The red areas can also develop spots and pimples. Bad cases may lead to itching, soreness, and burning sensations around the eyes.

Rosacea sufferers often experience lower self-esteem and lack confidence in social situations because of the visibility of the condition. While no cure for rosacea exists, several treatments can improve the condition and stop it worsening. If you have rosacea and it upsets you, you should seek medical advice.

Here’s Dr. Doris Day in an ABC News interview discussing rosacea symptoms and treatments…


Causes of Rosacea

The causes of rosacea are still unknown. Dermatologists have worked out it isn’t caused by a fungal infection or bacteria. There may be genetic links and the statistics suggest those with fairer, sensitive skin are more likely to suffer from the disease.

It was thought excessive alcohol consumption caused rosacea. However, that idea has been disproved. But drinking too much may exacerbate the effects of the disease.

Research has identified several factors which can trigger an episode of rosacea. Besides alcohol, exercise, exposure to sun and wind, hot weather, stress, anxiety, and spicy foods may all make the condition worse.

The Signs and Symptoms of Rosacea

The symptoms of rosacea only affect the face. They can be very visible if left untreated. Symptoms may include:


Blotches of red skin appear on the cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose. The reddened areas can feel hot and sore. If the skin becomes dry, it may also get flaky.

Spots and pimples

Spots and pimples may arise either singly or in groups. This can seem like acne. It’s important not to scratch these, as they may become infected if the skin breaks.

Thick skin

In some sufferers, areas of skin may become thicker and more leathery. These areas are likely to become coarse to the touch. If the skin becomes parched, the surface may crack.

Irritation in the eyes

Rosacea can also affect the eyes. The eyes may become red, itchy and sore. Sometimes, you may experience swelling.

How is Rosacea Diagnosed?

Self-diagnosis is possible, but it’s recommended you see a medical professional to be sure, as other conditions may have similar symptoms. An experienced doctor can identify rosacea by examining the face. Medical tests are not needed.

Treatment for Rosacea

Rosacea can’t be cured. But treatments can lessen its effects and relieve symptoms. You doctor may prescribe a low dose of antibiotics, which is helpful most times. Skin creams can help to reduce soreness and redness on the face. If the blood vessels in the face are damaged, laser treatment can rectify the problem. Over-the-counter moisturizers and sun block are useful for dry, flaky skin. If you have trouble with your eyes, your doctor can prescribe eye-drops to relieve irritation and swelling.

Rosacea is an unpleasant condition, but with proper care and medical attention, you can keep the worst of the symptoms under control. Keep a note of the conditions which might trigger your symptoms and try to avoid those as far as possible. Early intervention is always better than leaving things to get worse. If your condition is bothering you, make sure you visit your doctor as soon as possible. Many people can live happily despite rosacea with the right treatments and support.

Contributed by: By Austin G. Hackney

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