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Though in the relatively early stages of development, stem cell therapy looks promising to promote healing of hip disorders — possibly without invasive surgery!

Stem cell therapy is a nonsurgical approach that lets your own body’s cells do all the work. High concentrations of harvested cells are injected into the affected area, facilitating healthy growth and repair.

The advantage of using your own cells is obvious — your body will most likely accept them because they belong to you, thus eliminating a dangerous complication normally seen in “transplanted” material — tissue rejection.

The advantages of stem cell therapy

Unlike conventional surgery, stem cell therapy is minimally invasive — no scalpels — only a needle is used. This means gentler recovery and healing after treatment.

In effect, depending upon the seriousness of the condition, taking a chance on an experimental therapy, versus more invasive and potentially uncomfortable and inconvenient surgery, may prove worthwhile.

What hip issues are we talking about?

Your healthy stem cells will likely be harvested from the back of your hip area, near your iliac bone. Stem cells are then processed and concentrated at a laboratory, and re-injected back into your hip, you may even experience same-day mobility.

Some of the issues that may be helped by stem cell therapy include…

Osteoarthritis of the hip — The gradual breakdown of cartilage in the joints that protect connecting bones and tissue, and resultant inflammation, is known as arthritis. As anyone who has it knows, arthritis makes it painful and difficult to execute routine bodily movement.

The object of stem cell therapy is to help replace and revive damaged cartilage cells. When sufficient healing has taken place, the reduced friction at the affected joint areas reduces inflammation, and helps patients move more easily.

Bursitis — When sacs of fluid (known as bursae) located near the joints get inflamed, patients can experience heightened pain and discomfort. Bursae (pronounced bur-see) act as a cushion within your joints. When bursitis occurs, most often in the shoulders, elbows and hips, normal life can slow to a crawl, especially if the condition becomes chronic. Stem cell therapy has the potential to replace or renew bursae structures.

Hip Dysplasia — This condition is often associated with pets and babies, but adults can develop it as well. Normally, the hip socket covers the entire ball of the hip joint. With dysplasia, there is only partial coverage, thus increasing the likelihood of dislocation.

While professionals often recommend hip replacement surgery, it might be worth trying a less invasive approach first, or augment surgery. While stem cell therapy cannot fully restore a misalignment, it could recharge the cartilage damage to further cushion joints — and offer pain relief.

Labrum Tear — The labrum is a rim around the hip bone socket. It provides stability to bodily movements such as walking. If the labrum tears, daily life becomes increasingly painful and even dangerous.

Using real-time scanning technology, doctors can inject stem cells to effectively repair torn tissue. Results look extremely promising.

Worth exploring?

Stem cell therapy techniques to repair hip and joint damage or degradation are growing more sophisticated every year. It may be worth finding out more about this promising technology, when and if a hip-related disorder strikes you.

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