QUIZ: Are You Addicted To Your Phone?
Once in awhile, we all ask ourselves that one question – “Could I actually be addicted to my phone?!” Take Sara Maniscalco’s quick quiz to help determine if you’re a phone addict! [playbuzz-item...
New Option! Stem Cell Therapy for Hair Re-Growth
People struggling with hair loss have another new non-surgical option available to them … Stem Cell Therapy. Stem cell therapy is a core practice in the field of regenerative medicine. In nature, stem cells are those resembling a “blank slate” which...
Take A Break … It’s Spa Day!
For some, spas are a must-have experience, providing a healthful, relaxing break from the pressures of life. For others, the idea of going to a spa conjures fear – physical embarrassment – and even pain. Truth be told, once you experience the right spa,...
Relating To An Autistic Person: How To
Most people have heard of autism, but not everyone understands exactly what it is. This lack of understanding can lead to prejudice and intolerance. In fact, people with autism are not inferior to others. They are simply wired a bit differently. Autism is a...