Do These DIY Whitening “Wonders” Work?
Stained or discolored teeth are a potentially embarrassing problem that can sap your confidence and negatively impact your life. Professional dental whitening is effective and safe, but also costs more. Because of this, many alternative treatments have emerged, often...The ABC’s of Smile Makeovers (or is it 1,2,3’s) — Part One
What do George Clooney, Jessica Alba, Zac Efron, Jennifer Aniston and Tom Cruise have in common? Besides the fact that they are world-famous, it’s their teeth! Yes, these stars are all thought to have had what we call a smile makeover. In Part One of this...Pop ToothyTune Awards: Songs With Teeth in Them
As dentists, we’re kind of partial to songs where teeth take center stage. So here we present the first, possibly not the last, Pop ToothyTune Awards! These aren’t the latest songs, and some might say, not the best songs – we just like ’em...Food For Smiling — Dental Implant Tips
Looking to brighten your smile for those two-hour Zoom calls? “Filling the gap” with a dental implant can make a lot of sense. For thousand of people, the decision to get a dental implant has more than paid for itself – but it’s important to know as...